Needle Feltie Fox

Hey everyone! Today I decided to make a tutorial on needle felting this cute fox I made! It is up for purchase on my website. You can find the link in the drop-down menu on the home page of my blog. Just a forewarning, needle felting can cause injury to your fingers and hands if your'e not careful. I don't recommend young kids doing this. So to begin you will need: - A needle felting needle - A needle felting mat -Wool in the colors you chose to use * I also recommend getting finger guards so you don't poke your self These are the colors I chose to use for my fox. To start, your going to want to chose a base color for your feltie. I chose a medium brown but the under color wont matter as much depending on how much you plan on adding on top. After choosing your color you will make a general shape of the fox. Start poking your shape over and over again until your shape starts to take form. To make the ears, pull apart a piece of...